Osteopaths are known for treating people with Low Back Pain, Back Pain, Neck Pain and Headaches but Osteopaths also treat people suffering from Sciatica, Whiplash and Arthritis as well as injuries to the joints of the arms and legs including people with shoulder, hip and knee pain.
Osteopaths also treat the New Born and Children primarily using The Cranial Approach to Osteopathy.
Osteopaths also treat the New Born and Children primarily using The Cranial Approach to Osteopathy.
Chatswood Osteopathic Back Care Clinic is run by UK trained Osteopath, Im Chuah. Im graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in England in 1988 and has been practising as an Osteopath in Australia since 1990 when she arrived Hobart and established Hobart Osteopathic Clinic along with her husband, John Mickerson.
Chatswood Osteopathic Back Care Clinic opened in November 2000 and Im has been commuting between Chatswood and Hobart on a weekly basis ever since. Im is a long standing member of Osteopathy Australia.
Chatswood Osteopathic Back Care Clinic opened in November 2000 and Im has been commuting between Chatswood and Hobart on a weekly basis ever since. Im is a long standing member of Osteopathy Australia.
Where to find us
Chatswood Osteopathic Back Care Clinic is conveniently located close to Chatswood Railway Station.
How to find us
BY CAR - The easiest place to park is at Westfield Shopping Centre Car Park.
Come out to Victoria Mall and turn left walking towards Chatswood Railway station situated at the top of the Mall. As you reach the top of the Mall turn right at the 7 Eleven and walk to the next set of traffic lights. This is Help Street. Turn left, walking under the railway tracks, continue across the next set of traffic lights and 8 Help Street is the second building on your left
BY TRAIN - turn left as you exit the ticket barrier, take the first left and walk through the passage under the railway tracks. Ascend the escalator and turn right at the top. Continue to the first set of traffic lights and turn left. 8 Help Street is the second building on your left.
Come out to Victoria Mall and turn left walking towards Chatswood Railway station situated at the top of the Mall. As you reach the top of the Mall turn right at the 7 Eleven and walk to the next set of traffic lights. This is Help Street. Turn left, walking under the railway tracks, continue across the next set of traffic lights and 8 Help Street is the second building on your left
BY TRAIN - turn left as you exit the ticket barrier, take the first left and walk through the passage under the railway tracks. Ascend the escalator and turn right at the top. Continue to the first set of traffic lights and turn left. 8 Help Street is the second building on your left.
Payment Options
If you have Private "Extras" your claim can be processed at the time of your appointment using HICAPS.
We accept Cash,VISA, MasterCard and EFTPOS.
We accept Cash,VISA, MasterCard and EFTPOS.